This web page is being developed in an effort to help inform people about the effects of undue influence on vulnerable elders. While this new site is under construction, here are a few places you can start on your journey to find more about Elder Undue Influence.
The information sheet titled Mental Capacity, Consent, and Undue Influence from the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, found at the web site.
At the bottom of this page is an informative interview with Margaret Singer on undue influence, which can be found
One of the top authorities on undue influence and how to identify it is Dr Bennett Blum, whose web page is located at Dr. Blum provides information that helps the reader to understand mental capacity, competency and undue influence. He is an expert on the evaluation of undue influence and his web site provides worksheets to help in the investigation of undue influence.
Information can be obtained on the home page of Lisa Nerenberg at or from her blogspot at
In one of her blog entries, Ms. Nerenberg summarizes the California case of Norman Roussey and Ronald Brock. Block became Roussey's companion and a 2004 case concluded that there was no law that prohibited Block from using his influence to commit theft by undue influence. You can read more by clicking the link
Undue influence is described as a form of elder abuse in the article
Undue Influence as a Form of Elder Abuse.
Relatives of Elder Financial Exploitation victims have tried to keep their stories alive with web pages such as:
... and books, such as
A very small sampling of the many times our neighbors, friends and relatives are being financially exploited can be found in If you have your own to tell, you can share it anonymously using the questionnaire located at
While this web page will focus on Undue Influence in Elders, several pointers to papers, books and web sites on all forms of Elder Abuse can be found at: